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reading : What have i read : Point of view

Jumat, 25 Mei 2018

Developing Speaking Skills Using Virtual

Speaking Buddy

3. What is The Reader Point of view ?

The Reader point of view is how to make them understand that technology can teach children and can help teacher or parent to educate their child or student Its effectiveness is very much influenced by how strategic the teacher is in using this tool with their students. Hence it is especially important for the teacher to be made clear of their responsibilities when engaging the students with V-Buddy.

reading : What have i read : purpose

Kamis, 24 Mei 2018

Developing Speaking Skills Using Virtual

Speaking Buddy

1.What is the author main 

argument ?

The author is main argument is to interdisciplinary study integrates ICT in education through the innovation of an interactive audio-based application as a tool to enhance English language speaking skills among less proficient students. So the author will use ICT to improve the student is speaking skill and audio- based application so all student have chance to train their speaking skill

2.List and explain the author reason for 

his/her main argument ?

1.Sociocultural perspective on learning to speak

language; various systems of counting; mnemonic techniques; algebraic symbol systems; works of art; writing; schemes, diagrams, maps and mechanical drawings; all sorts of conventional signs and so on’ are all important in mediating social and individual functioning, and connecting the social and the individual, so the author use  Vygotsky’s semiotic mediation to suggests that knowledge is not something directly internalized but rather, is developed through the use of socially-created ‘psychological tools’.

2.VirSbud Application

 The author use V- buddy like The Talking Tom, for example, for modify the students’ voice and this raises difficulties for the teachers to keep track in the progress of students’ confidence level. The teacher will not be able to identify whether the students are slightly nervous or extremely nervous when listening to the recorded voice in the Talking Tom due to nature of the app which does not present the authentic voice.

reading : What have i read : Background

Developing Speaking Skills Using Virtual 

Speaking Buddy

Who is the author ?
Radzuwan Ab Rashid Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin

 Saiful Bahri Mohamed Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Malaysia.

  Mohd Fazry A. Rahman Kolej Komuniti Shah Alam

 Syadiah Nor Wan Shamsuddin 

Who is the audience ?

This interdisciplinary study integrates ICT in education through the innovation of an interactive audio-based application as a tool to enhance English language speaking skills among less proficient students. Drawing on the sociocultural perspective of learning, the application named ‘V-Buddy’ has been developed and tested with a group of participants which consists of five primary school students and an English language the audience for this journal is for student and english teacher but it can open for public specialy for someone who want learn english and developing their speaking skills.

Perbedaan jurnal Bahasa indonesia dan bahasa inggris

Minggu, 29 April 2018

Sintaksis (Syntax)

Merupakan susunan kata-kata dalam sebuah kalimat, di mana sangat mirip saat digunakan dalam frase sederhana antara bahasa inggris dan bahasa Indonesia, namun akan berbeda jika ini dalam bentuk pertanyaan dan frase kata sifat.
Sebagai contoh pertanyaan dalam bahasa Inggris yang dimulai dengan 5W1H (who, what, when, why, where, how) diikuti dengan kata kerja lalu subyek, atau dalam pertanyaan Iya/tidak, dimulai dengan kata kerja diikuti dengan subyek:

Dalam bahasa Indonesia, pertanyaan dimulai dengan subyek:


Sementara itu, untuk frasa kata sifat di kedua bahasa tersebut memiliki aturan yang berlawanan. Dalam bahasa Inggris, kata sifat berada sebelum kata benda, namun untuk bahasa Indonesia, kata benda berada diawal:


Verb Tenses (kata Kerja)

Bahasa Indonesia relatif mudah dipelajari karena aturan tata bahasanya yang sederhana, terutama berkaitan dengan kata kerja. Tidak seperti bahasa Indonesia dimana penggunaan kata kerja yang tetap sama baik di situasi lampau, sekarang maupun masa depan, lain halnya dengan bahasa Inggris yang memiliki 16 tenses yang berbeda! Ini mungkin memakan waktu yang lama untuk menguasai semuanya, tapi bukanlah mustahil!
Namun kalimat pasif lebih sering digunakan dalam bahasa Indonesia, sedangkan untuk bahasa Inggris lebih mengacu pada bentuk aktif, terutama ketika fokusnya pada obyek. Contohnya: “The last slice of cake was eaten by my brother” akan terdengar lebih canggung dan bertele-tele daripada menggunakan bentuk aktif: “My brother at the last slice of cake.”
Plural Form (Bentuk Jamak)

Sekali lagi, bahasa Indonesia masih yang lebih mudah dipelajari termasuk untuk mendeskripsikan objek yang lebih dari satu: hanya dengan pengulangan seperti buku buku atau anak anak, atau dengan menambahkan plural determiner/kata bantu jamak (banyak lukisan, para penonton dan sejumlah toko).

Bentuk bahasa Inggris jamak sedikit lebih membingungkan. Pertama, mereka terbagi menjadi dua kategori: kata benda beraturan dan tidak beraturan. Caranya cukup dengan menambahkan -s atau -es seperti books, paintings, potatoes and glasses – itu bagian mudahnya.
Berbagai hal bisa terjadi pada kata benda jamak yang tidak beraturan, dari yang sedikit perubahan seperti contoh (knife-knives, wolf-wolves, woman-women) dan yang lebih membingungkan misalnya (child-children, person-people, mouse-mice, foot-feet), lalu contoh perubahan yang terdengar agak aneh (cactus-cacti, phenomenon-phenomena). Lalu ada pula yang tidak perlu diganti, contohnya sheep, deer, species and offspring.

Pasif vs aktif

Baik bahasa Inggris ataupun bahasa Indonesia sama-sama menggunakan kalimat aktif dan pasif . Namun kalimat pasif lebih sering digunakan dalam bahasa Indonesia, sedangkan untuk bahasa Inggris lebih mengacu pada bentuk aktif, terutama ketika fokusnya pada obyek. Contohnya:


akan terdengar lebih canggung dan bertele-tele daripada menggunakan bentuk aktif:


Jangan sampai perbedaan antara kedua bahasa tersebut mengintimidasi Anda. Dengan latihan dan tekad, anda pasti bisa menguasai dunia bahasa Inggris yang rumit!

Critical Reading Journal Articles tugas 5

Sabtu, 07 April 2018

Hi guys
is me, back again

now I want to tell you guys a part in the International article written by A.J. Hoge The creator of Effortless English Teaching System.

1. The Title
This International Article has title "Effortless English Teaching System".

2. The Abstrack
the author of this article has a good abstract. The author will show you how to improve speaking skill well and fast.the reason why  A.J Hoge create the article is because he knew that some of he student have problem in speaking and They were frustrated English learners who could not speak well. Using the Effortless English system, they learned to speak English easily and automatically.                                                  

3. The Introduction
The introduction author explains English is the lingua franca of the world, thus occupies an important place. English is a compulsion due to the reason that  he knew how we study speaking well and fast and some metode that we can do like enter the english club or make a english day in your life, so in the introduction he tell every thing and the point how he will make the reader can learn fast.

4.The Method
They were frustrated English learners who could not. The Effortless English system is very simple and consists of three primary areas of mastery: Body, Mind, & Method. By mastering specific techniques in each area, you will powerfully improve your English speaking ability. Your speech will become faster and you will begin to speak English automatically.Each of these three areas is important and eachcontributes to the power of the Effortless English Teaching System.When we talk about “Body” in Effortless English, we are mostly talking about emotion.Emotion is energy. Emotion is what gives us the energy and the motivation to study every day. Emotion gives us the confidence to speak. Positive emotion helps us to learn faster, while negative emotions slow our learning. To learn very quickly, we must learn to master our emotions-- and that requires mastery of our body. In the Effortless English System, “Mind” means b

5. Result and Findings

To learn faster and better, we must master our mind. Specifically,we must master our beliefs and our ideas. As a successful adult, you are highly intelligent. Yet, you probably have a lot of negative beliefs about your English learning ability. Some common negative beliefs include:

* English speaking is difficult

* Iʼm not good at English

* Iʼm nervous when I speak English

* I must speak English perfectly every time

* I canʼt make mistakes

* There is only one right answer

* I must memorize and follow all grammar rules

* People from my country canʼt speak English well

* Itʼs impossible to speak English easily and quickly

6.The Discussion
    In the Discussion the author will explain about how to practice speaking like starting with a belief in constant small improvement (CANI), you will follow a learning plan similar to the one below. By following your learning plan every day, you will have incredible success. In the beginning, your progress may feel slow. However, after 6 months of using the system every day- you will speak English much faster and much better.

7. Conclusion 
in this conclusion the authors aks us to have two choices for finding English lessons.
 There are several choices like :

- create your own.

- hiring a native speaker tutor.

- lessons is to use The Effortless English Club.
      So in the conclusion we should create our own lessons, be sure to follow all of the EffortlessEnglish System when using them. It is very important to master the Body and Mind techniques of the system. In fact,these are the most important parts of the system. Always create a strong posture when listening to the lessons. Always smile. Always use movements to help you remember difficult words.Also, be sure to create, review, and strengthen your new positive beliefs. Visualize your success. Focus on constant tiny improvements-- every day.The Body and Mind techniques give you a lot of power. Your energy will increase. Your motivation will increase. You will learn faster and more easily.Then combine Body and Mind with our Method-- to create incredible English speakingsuccess!
Good luck. I know you will be successful. You will speak English easily, quickly, and confidently.

Critical Reading Journal Articles tugas 4

Rabu, 28 Maret 2018

The Title

-Powerful English Speaking

The major ideas addressed in this article is English Speaking, who tells more specific about speaking English, The Effortless English system is designed for the independent adult learner who wants to speak English easily and quickly. 

The Abstract

The article  make they  who frustrated English learners who could not
 speak well. Using the Effortless English system, they learned to speak English easily
and automatically. Each of these students made incredible improvements in a very short time. im also will improve quickly when im use the entire Effortless English System and yes it’s cause-and-effect relationship between variables,A.J Hoge make the article so flexible so we can use it on laboratory or field

The introduction

the purpose of the article is reporting an empirical study, a new theory and research on a certain topic “The Effortless English system is designed for you-- the independent adult learner who wants to speak English easily and quickly. Effortless English focuses exclusively on speaking and listening skills. The system is designed to improve your speaking power as quickly as possible- using proven and tested methods. Over one million adult students worldwide have used the system to improve their English speaking. By using all parts of the system, you will improve your English speaking 2-5 times faster compared to other traditional English classes. It is very important that you use the system exactly. Each part is important and each part works with the other parts of the system to create a powerful learning experience for you”topic of the article is about “The Effortless English system”In creating Effortless English the very best English teaching techniques and combined them in a clear, simple, easy to use system. When you follow the system exactly, you cannot fail. You will experience the greatest English speaking improvement of your life.
The Method

The Effortless English system is very simple and consists of three primary areas of mastery: Body, Mind, & Method. By mastering specific techniques in each area, you will powerfully improve your English speaking ability. Your speech will become faster and you will begin to speak English automatically. Each of these three areas is important and each contributes to the power of the Effortless English Teaching System. The Effortless English method refers to the specific teaching techniques we use. These techniques were developed from the top teachers and researchers in the world. The Effortless English Teaching System uses techniques developed by Dr. James Asher, Dr. Stephen Krashen, Blaine Ray, Tony Robbins, Dr. Ashley Hastings, and Dr. Brenda Murphy. The Effortless English System is designed for one thing- to make you an outstanding English speaker. At Effortless English, our entire focus is on speaking
English easily and quickly.

The Results

The Results of the article is to improve the reader to read well.
 1. Listen to some energetic happy music. Stand tall. Lift your chest. Smile. Dance a
    little. (5 minutes)

2. Say (Yell) your positive beliefs: “Iʼm a great English speaker!” “English is easy!”.
   Use all of your body as you yell! (2 minutes)

3. Visualize yourself speaking English to a native speaker. See yourself speaking
     quickly and easily. See yourself smiling and looking confident. (3 minutes)

4. Listen To a Vocabulary Lesson and a Mini-Story Lesson (same Lesson topic). As you
    listen, move/gesture to remember difficult sentences. Smile and create a strong
    posture always. Shout your answers to questions. (20-30 minutes) Going To Work (or Late

1. Listen to same Mini-Story lesson several times. If you are in a car or at home, shout
    your answers! Use gestures and movements for difficult words. (20 minutes)

2. Listen to Point of View lesson several times (same lesson topic). Smile. Strong
    posture. (10 minutes)

The Discussion

You have two choices for finding English lessons. One simple choice is to create your own. How can you do this? I recommend hiring a native speaker tutor. When you meet them, tell them about the Effortless English System. Tell them you want to use this system to learn.Then ask your tutor to create Mini-Story lessons and Point of View lessons for you.This is fairly simple to do-- just ask them to teach you using these techniques and record the lesson. Then you can listen to the lesson many times.Gradually, you can create your own library of Mini-Story and Point of View lessons.Since the tutor is creating these lessons only for you, ask them to focus on topics you. 

The Conclusion

Whether you create your own lessons or use mine, be sure to follow all of the Effortless 
English System when using them. It is very important to master the Body and Mind techniques of the system. In fact, these are the most important parts of the system. Always create a strong posture when listening to the lessons. Always smile. Always use movements to help you remember difficult words. Also, be sure to create, review, and strengthen your new positive beliefs. Visualize your success. Focus on constant tiny improvements-- every day. The Body and Mind techniques give you a lot of power. Your energy will increase. Your motivation will increase. You will learn faster and more easily.

How do you find a research Article Tugas 3

Minggu, 25 Maret 2018

      I find the research article by searcing in internet and you will found some web or blogs who give you an up to date article like sage online, after i find it and read the abstrak i download it and i read it so i will know the meaning of the article.
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